Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance
MANTIS’ proactive service maintenance platform and its associated architecture draw inspiration from the Cyber Physical System approach. Physical systems (e.g. industrial machines, vehicles, renewable energy assets) and the environment they operate in are monitored continuously by a broad and diverse range of intelligent sensors, resulting in massive amounts of data that characterise the usage history, operational condition, location, movement and other physical properties of those systems. These systems form part of a larger network of heterogeneous and collaborative systems (e.g. vehicle fleets or photovoltaic and windmill parks) connected via robust communication mechanisms able to operate in challenging environments.
Sophisticated distributed sensing and decision making functions are performed at different levels in a collaborative way ranging from (i) local nodes that pre-process raw sensor data and extract relevant information before transmitting it, thereby reducing bandwidth requirements of communication, (ii) over intermediate nodes that offer asset-specific analytics to locally optimise performance and maintenance, (iii) to cloud-based platforms that integrate information from ERP, CRM and CMMS systems and execute distributed processing and analytics algorithms for global decision making