Secure interactions and trusted Participation in local Electricity Trading

The aim of SPET is to undertake the required applied research and technological development activities to contribute to an increase in the energy efficiency and sustainability considering the widespread distribution of renewable generation and demand flexibility in local electricity markets (LeM). Having as basis sensing and monitoring infrastructures of consumers (Cs) and prosumers (Ps), mechanisms for an accurate definition of market participants needs will be the basis for a trusted participation in LeM.
Founded in 1852, in Porto, Portugal, the Porto’s Industrial Institute later became and still is known as ISEP-School of Engineering Polytechnic of Porto. There was a clear commitment since the beginning to interface directly with the surrounding industrial and social tissue. Highly trained professionals were able to be successful in their jobs from day one. Also it was one of the two schools which integrated the first public structure of industrial schools in Portugal.
GECAD (Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development) is the largest R&D unit of the Polytechnic of Porto, settled in ISEP, it is coordinated by Professor Zita Vale and includes over 70 researchers, more than 20 PhD. GECAD has significant knowledge and skills in the application of artificial intelligence techniques in power and energy systems.