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Dear Colleagues,
Societies are highly dependent on electricity use to ensure safe, reliable, and comfortable living. A continued increase in demand for electricity demand is expected in the future and it is considered a crucial requirement for economic development. Concerns about the impact of electricity use in the environment and about the eventual fuel-based primary source shortage are presently taken as very serious at scientific, economic, and politic levels. These concerns have led to intensive research and to new energy policies envisaging the increased use of renewable energy sources for electricity production and increased energy use efficiency.
In such a dynamic, complex, and competitive environment as the power and energy sector, the use of artificial intelligence is of crucial importance to take full advantage of the opportunities in the field in order to overcome the challenges that are constantly arising.
This Special Issue welcomes novel contributions in the application of artificial intelligence in power and energy systems and other industrial applications.
Dr. Tiago PintoProf. Dr. Zita ValeProf. Dr. Pedro FariaDr. Decebal Constantin MocanuDr. Elena MocanuGuest Editors
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